Thursday, October 3, 2013

Muppets Steal Our Hearts

The Muppets are obviously a known part of American theater and entertainment. As most of us in this class, I would think the Muppets are one of the fist things that went through our minds when we thought about puppets. I know I was thinking that we would be learning about puppets just like them. My friends that I told about me taking this class thought the same thing. "You are taking a class on Kermit the frog?"

I think that the Muppets and Sesame Street are such a big and favorite part to the American culture because of the relationship most people have with them. I know these two shows have been around ever since I was little and for most that is still true. When you are young there is just something about animals that can talk and you always imagine yourself being there with them and believe that these puppets are talking straight to you. The Muppets also take us out of our world and into theirs. For that hour or how ever long the show is, we get to live in their world that is more complex and exciting in some cases than the average American.

I feel as if Americans connect more with the Muppet and Sesame street because they tend to reach out to us. Like the relationship between Kermit and Miss Piggy. There's no possible way that a frog and pig could fall in love in real life here in America. But the idea of love and the relationship they have connects to us as humans. I know I still laugh to this day when I watch them and sometimes even make connections to my own relationships and real life situations which makes the whole experience more comical to me.

Children also take a big role in the love for the Muppets and Sesame Street here in America as well. I think that once a child is watching these shows, like i did, they latch on to the characters and they begin to learn. Once they learn and grow to love these individual characters as if they were their friends, the parents then latch on as well. Everyone likes to see their children love and grow which makes the parents love and grow with them. As our generation progresses, we look back on the Muppets and Sesame Street as a connection to joy and laughter that filled our childhood in those moments when we were sucked into the shows.

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